Paul Blissett Hedgelaying

30 years hedging in Bucks, Beds & Herts
Twelve miles of hedge laid since 2000
The first and largest hedgelaying website

March 2001

Dillington, Cambs.  27 yards South of England hawthorn and plum hedge

View towards house before laying..
View towards house after laying
Fieldside view before laying Fieldside view - getting there bit by bit!
Fieldside view after laying


Dodds Farm, Marsh, Bucks.  87 yards Midland Style.  Hawthorn, blackthorn and alder buckthorn
Detail of this Midland Style hedge
General view showing retained ash and pollarded willow


Redfield Community, Winslow, Bucks.  110 yards South of England mixed maiden hedge
Redfield volunteers start preparing this 9 year old hedge which is perfect for laying
Work in progress
Close up of this South of England style hedge Not that often you get a walnut tree standard in a hedge!


St Albans School, Herts.  100 yards South of England Style hawthorn, blackthorn and field maple hedge.
General view of hedge before laying
Eventually there will be a cricket pitch on one side and a pavilion on the other!
Detail of this South of England style hedge Detail of far side of hedge showing trimmed butt ends of binders
Detail showing tapered end to gap for cricket players!
General view showing fine ash standard