Paul Blissett Hedgelaying

30 years hedging in Bucks, Beds & Herts
Twelve miles of hedge laid since 2000
The first and largest hedgelaying website

April 2013

170 yards hawthorn and hazel hedge, Forty Green, Hemel Hempstead, South of England style

Two very contrasting sections of hedge. The first section was very substantial, mostly hazel, with some considerable gaps. It did not lend itself to staking and binding, but needed the extra strength provided by retaining stems as live stakes. 
The first section also provided enough stakes and binders to use on the second section, thereby saving the expense of buying them in.

Apart from bringing the hedge back into management again, the requirement was to reveal the stunning silhouetted row of trees beyond.

Major tree thinning in this first section
Similar view laid
End of first section...before End of first section              complete
Close up of partially laid, partially coppiced hazel              stool Some of the hazel stakes and              binders cut from the first section
General view before              laying Similar view after laying

First section before              work started.... Preliminary clearing out completed              ....
Close up of first              section ready to lay Start of first section              complete....
First              section completed
Detail showing start              against tree South of England hedge detail
Before view of              another section.... ... same section complete
Second section before              .... ... and second section complete
Last section              before.... Initial clearing out has started....
Last              section complete. Hawthorn standard left by the gate is              regrowth from a previously laid stem!