April 2022
Rickmansworth, a sparse and leggy 10 metre front garden hawthorn hedge
End of hedge before...
..same view after
Front of hedge before...
...and after...
Sarratt, a 120 metre mixed maiden hedge under trees at the bottom of a traditional orchard planted by the clients. Laid South of England style. The client had also planted the hedge and wanted it laying to thicken it.
Sheep are used to keep the grass in check in the orchard. The one on the right moonlights as a Boris Johnson lookalike
Hedge before looking to start
Hedge before looking to end
Work in progress, looking to start of hedge
Work in progress, looking from start of hedge
Work in progress - hedge to right of oak tree laid and staked.
Work progress - binding underway
Hedge on 8th April...
...noticeably greener by 15th April
The large trees behind the hedge are the original field boundary onto a sunken lane. Some limbing up of the trees has been done to let more light to the hedge.
View from other side of hedge looking to start of hedge.Very little needed cutting out of the hedge and the arisings were left this side of the hedge to rot
15th April - hedge is now greening up very rapidly
Hedge on 16th October with binders partially obscured by regrowth