October 2022
Great Billington, a 21 metre farm hedge of damson, hawthorn and elm, South of England style. The client is building a bungalow on the site. The hedge had kept the development well screened, but now it is time to open up the view.
Front view from entrance before...
..same view after
Front view from far end before...
...and after...
View from inside before...
...and after
The original hedge ran parallel to the road, leaving a gap between the hedge and the gatepost. The leftmost stems were coppiced to give a wider entrance splay and the hedge then laid towards the gatepost, filling in the gap. A small amount of dead was added for a consistent finish and the owner will plant some hawthorn whips where the gap was. Binding continuously round the corner gives a very attractive and strong result...
...same view from the inside. Note the butt ends of the first binders overlapping the post to secure the hedge
Sarratt, 108 metres hedge with a lot of mature trees bordering an orchard. A bank in the tree line with some mature hazel stools marked the remains of an old hedge but a promising new mixed hedge was developing down the bank towards the adjacent field, predominantly elm with some hawthorn and laid crop and pleach wih live stakes. As well as laying the hedge to better keep dogs on the footpath the far side of the hedge away from the sheep in the orchard, the trees were tidied up to show nicely also.
View from top of hedge before...
...and after
View from bottom of hedge before...
...and after
Somewhere in here is a lovely multi-stemmed crab apple tree...
...now fully revealed. Three live stakes clearly visible in the hedge
Work in progress, looking to start of hedge
Work in progress looking view from start of hedge
Detail looking up hedge
Whaddon, a 14 metre garden hedge being a remnant farm hedge of hawthorn and damson. Laid South of England style. The client wanted the view over the top of the hedge.
End of garden before...
...and after
Work underway...
...later the same day
View from the end of the hedge
National Hedgelaying Society 2022 Championships, Wallingford. My Intermediate South of England class section. A bit thinner than some of the other sections so difficult to do well overall in competition, but I was pleased enough with the result
My section before...
...and after